Why Bible Reading should be a priority

In life there is always a book that serves us with knowledge, considering the universe is full of wonders and mystery. The bible is one of them which is absurdly referred to as a christian text book.

Christianity is a lifestyle. It goes beyond going to church, singing and listening to praise and worship music. It's a daily routine, we learn each day, meditate on the word of God, do good, eat healthy and harness good healthy friendships.

Being grounded on to something that you can always go back to was one way of parenting to my parents. They made my siblings and I realize the importance of being anchored on God, through prayer and reading the word of God from the bible. 

We are all quite conversant with the bible most especially growing up. My experience might be similar to most people. 
If at all you came from a christian home, where most mornings and evenings were stipulated for devotion you obviously understand certain things are unnegotiable.

During the devotion all we did was follow a theme on what to study. With that, it was easier for the one in charge to come up with scriptures and songs that would emphasize on the theme then later pray.

Despite all these experience, I wasn't  good at praying and understanding scriptures. I lived doing right but allowing the word to sink in my soul was something I lacked until I joined high school and met Lynn a friend who changed my entirely spiritual spectrum. 

Lynn was connected to her spiritual life. From how she prayed to how she would analyze and understand her bible. She challenged my approach of doing things and I got to learn few things on how to read the Bible which gravely played a role in understanding it's importance. 
Which I will be sharing with you in this article. 
The Bible is a source of wisdom

In James 1:5 it's stated clearly that we should seek wisdom from God. The Bible is an eye opener on whats expected of us which is most importantly in tune to what our soul deserves. 

It sways you away from manipulation

It's easier to know what's right without someone corrupting your thoughts with information about Christianity when you have read and understood the word of God on your own. 

It's a blueprint of how to live 

We are living in a chaotic world where everyone has an opinion on what should and shouldn't be done or said, but the Bible has details of how to live righteously. Gods plan for our life is not for him to feel superior rather for our own good. His plan is to save us from ourselves. 

The Bible soothes our hearts and calms our soul

With everything that we face each day, it's most definite that at some point we get anxious and most times we are rational, trying fix everything by being in control when all we are supposed to do is chill out. 
The Bible has words that comforts the soul and remind us of God's steadfast love and plan for us. 

It connects us closer to God

Just like any type of relationship, there is a medium that connects us. The Bible is one of the medium where God talks to our soul. Through the vast scriptures. 

It shares a reflection of Christian living and manners 

For the word Christians to come up, it was after a trend of character that a specific caliber embraced that was similar to christ Jesus. As Christians we are defined by our way of living and how we relate with everyone around us.
We all understand how actions have a great influence in character development. 

Through reading the Bible we become more enlightened

The Bible is full of knowledge and with all the information, we become more aware of who we are and why things happen the way they do. It guides us on how to relate with others with less judgement rather choosing understanding. Which goes along way to maintaining mental sanity. 

It expresses how to love and be kind

Being a christian is always more about choosing love and being kind. Human beings are bound to hurt each other and do things that will harm another party but with the word of God we are tuned to humanity where love is the foundation of every action and words we choose to take. 

Hope these tips on the importance of the Bible were helpful and will guide you on your daily life. 


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