Serving Humanity

Life is beautiful, though there is nothing as beautiful as a kind heart.

Kindness is a clear representation of a genuine human whose main goal is receiving zero compensation for the little deeds and words shared to a heart that does not deserve or didn't think they wanted it.

Unspoken truth about kindness is that, it is the most satisfying feeling. Seeing someone feel better is another degree of happiness that is unexplainable.

Everyone desires to be around kind people, but being the kind one is one of the gritty moves ever. It is by nature that adapting to good traits is a protraction than applying the wrong deeds since It takes longer to learn good habits. 

Serving humanity is not a call or a personal initiative, it is a reflection of who you are as a person.

Despite the admirations showered to a savage individual, we all desire to be our best version and low-key work to be a better human not only to ourselves but to those around us. 

Serving humanity is not only directed to those familiar to us, rather to also those who are unknown to us. When dating, it is advised to be observant. You will only know if your partner is kind with how he treats, the waitress at the restaurant, tout and the security guard, in short his or her subordinates. 

Being humane goes beyond serving human beings, it's with how you interact with everything in nature. From how meek you are to animals even the most tiny one to how you conserve nature. 

We all play an important role in the universe for each other, therefore by being cautious to what we let to our ground, what we manufacture, is a reflection of what we expect in the years to come. The law of nature is that you will get corn when you plant a corn, which is best understood by many as the law of karma.

Kindness does not mean you have to always give. There is something called boundaries. Something that is not lightly taken by manipulators.

Reason most people resent kindness is because they have been exploited before or have seen someone being milked for their generous. 
The rules for kindness is, you give without any expectations or reciprocation. If you are not in the mental state of giving or have the wrong motives? don't do it. If your instincts are resistant trust it, lastly it is always okay to say No. And be bold when you say it.

Serving humanity is being there for those and everything around you. While spirituality is a personal relationship with what some of us call God, Christianity is a religion where you are characterized by christ-like behaviors.

The world is balanced and made better by those whose most desires and goals is to have a better world for everyone and ensuring that the next generation is safe.

Serving humanity, is looking beyond your situation or rather the current situation with the consideration of the next party. Sometimes the notion of giving when you are full is not the ideal idea of generosity.

Simply it is always sharing what you have. Truth is, we always have something to share but the scarcity mentality blurs our tolerance to give.

I hope to see a society where kindness and generosity thrives well without the need to feel proud or oppressed. 


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