The Importance of A Prayer

Truth is there are several ways in which we communicate with God. 

Just like any other type of relationship where there is need for consistency for it to remain firm, a relationship with God deserves the same attention. 

It's not an easy move when you choose to be a believer in a world where majority live by the assumption, spirituality is about doing favor to an unexisting power. When in reality, our life is more fulfilled, complete and peaceful when we are in line with our creator. It's best documented in Romans 8:5-6. 
Being a believer is not a one day assignment, you have to consistently walk in the spirit by doing the right thing and thinking right. One of the ways to build a relationship with God is through prayers. 

Offering prayers has a vital role in spiritual growth and personal development. Which brings the idea that we are spiritual beings and operate on creativity and believe. 

Here are some of the importance of prayers. 

There is a cliche, that women are prayerful which is why they are linked to heavenly blessings. Truth is; anyone can access the heavenly blessings, the only thing that separates us from those accessing all the right things, is that you have to live in the spirit and let the spirit live in you. 
Prayers create an environment where God's spirit can reside in and walk with us in our daily endeavors. 

Prayers are offered as affirmation. Whatever we pray for if it's with the right intent, it will definitely come true. In as much as the universe is aware of our needs and wants, saying them gives the assurance of how much you want it. Since nature works on fulfilling our silent desires and fears. 
Therefore when praying, always offer from a point of abundance.

Prayers evoke our sides of resilience and patience. Some of the difficult things to do is always showing up and living at a point of hope. Everything thrives and flourish where there is hope. 

Prayers guide us into thinking right and strategically. During prayer is when our minds are most settled which makes it easier to plan and state what we desire clearly without any fear. 

Our connection with God is most intact when we seek him through prayers. It's through prayers that we offer genuine gratitude, thanksgiving and seek him more. 

Neglecting a prayer life equates to living a life with emptiness. At the end of the day all we want and seek is growth. Prayers offer us the ground where we declare our desires and create room for believing in their existence even when we have no plans of achieving or how to do it. 

Hope we all learn to embrace this paramount part of our existence. 


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