God Loves Us

Why do you doubt God's existence, when everything around us is an evidence of his nature. 

We all definitely defer when it comes to our beliefs, cultures and traditions, courtesy of our diverse backgrounds. 

When it comes to answering our existence and who we believe and what we believe in. It's all based on a power that is greater than the power we humans have. Atheists believe in science, Christians have the chronicles of the creation story, Hindus belive in Braham, Muslims Allah. 

The beautiful thing about every believer is that, what we all believe in have similar qualities and roles towards humanity. We all believe in a being whose power is greater than our own, our existence is influenced by him, he's in charge of shaping and puting things in order. He is caring, loving and kind. 

Truth is, even the ones that tend to ignore or fail to acknowledge the line of their spirituality; at some point we all believed in a power greater than us, depending on what name you use to identify him with.

Things change when our faith is shaken. We probably lost something or things did not work as how we hoped for or like some instances where our believes were challenged by other believers and we began to believe in a different analogy. 

Nature and environment is a vivid and tangible evidence of a creative God whose workings are silently done and achieved. His omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent nature predispose him to how he works. 

Christians define his invisible working as miracles. Truth is, the way he does things are tactile. We most times don't understand his contrivance, since there is a way we want things to turn out yet we don't consider it's longterm sequel or those around us. It's amusing how considerate and prudent he is. 

His love is driven by his divine grace. The reason things work in different seasons. He believes in a particular pattern, which is so unclear to us but with time we realize why things had do be done a certain way.

All he wants is to build a relationship with us, he already loves is. Christianity has made it look like, we are only loved when we play nice and do everything right. When truth is all he wants is people who can reach out to him. Talk to him, ask, let him guide your heart. All he wants for us is peace, joy and happiness.

When doubting his love, it only proves you don't understand his nature. Take time to learn more about him. You'll find out why certain caliber wouldn't trade their spirituality for anything. 


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