How to Draw Closer to God

Having a spiritual life or a relationship with God, is a secret desire for most people. Admitting seems to be a difficult pill to swallow. I guess vulnerability towards spiritual inclination is not an obvious move.

It's a skeptical gesture to many, more so those who have known you for the longest time. Somehow they seem to hold onto our past and experiences that when you begin to gradually evolve it becomes uncomfortable. 

I believe we should normalise having raw and authentic conversations around spirituality. More so after baptismal. Alot changes. Friends, family, lifestyle, thoughts and actions. It's not an easy journey as many of us see it. 

There are times you lose track, you are on pedestals for questioning and finding a balance on who do you make comfortable and finding a balance on being and embracing the new you and trying to be the old version of you. 

All in all there are certain clarity that will guide you during this walk of finding a balance in your spiritual life. Below are some of the lessons I have learned. 

All the conversations I have heard about prayer is that, they are boring, and very over whelming. Prayer is a spiritual connection with the universe. It's another way of manifesting and being in tune with the universe. 
It's the only safe space where you can tear up, seek revelation and talk silently with God without any form of distraction. 

We all pray differently and have our preferences, which is why I advocate for private or solo prayers. It's easier for a beginner to be vulnerable and express what you feel inside. 

Growing up I understood prayers were all about asking for something and sending praise to God. After baptismal and more reading. I now understand prayers are most times meant for gratitude. Like how Maya Angelo says, if there ia prayer you have to make each day, let it be of gratitude. 
It creates room for abundance and zero room for self. We begin to feel the needs of others and favor others more. Which leads to a better space for ourselves. 

Create time to read and understand the word of God 
A spiritual journey is not a one day pilgrimage. I thought once baptized, life would be a bit softer and easy. Truth is I had and still have work to do. To read and not just it but understanding, not  to just be knowledgeable but to apply all these teachings and letting people understand and learn from you. 

It's easy to want to read a mass of chapters and be aware of what's written in the bible but truth is you are not competing with anyone. You read for yourself and those around you. Oprah once said be the change you want to see in the world. Once you read and understand the word of God, try to share the knowledge and learn to be what it says. Paul says faith without action is dead therefore work has to be put in. 

Meditate on the word of God
Meditation is known for improving concentration and memory, reason it's encouraged to save some minutes either in the morning or in the evening to spend some time alone just relaxing doing nothing but fantasize. 

Some people prefer strolling late in the evening. It depends on you and the moods you are in as long as you find something that works for you. 

There is a book I am reading  that talks about how our circumstances are influenced by our thoughts. This is a vivid explanation of the power of meditation. Since what we meditate on influence our thoughts and actions which results to our reality. 

Meditating on positive thoughts will definitely manifest on positive results. Apart from reading the word of God, meditating on it will help us grow spiritually and be drawn closer to him. We will definitely be manifesting love, kindness, genuineness, happiness and joy. 
The world deserve more loving people, we already have enough of mean souls.
Let's try to be different.

Follow people that speak life 
Perception is built by those we listen to since they have a great influence of what we call a reality. 

It's most times adviced to follow people who have what benefits us. Which is the best way of living. Though sometimes it's important to also understand everyone has an intention with what they project. A clear and  genuine intent will save you from toxicity. Always look beyond the current solution. How will a certain information affect your future and those around you. 
Therefore follow people that speak love, kindness and humility at least they feed our spirit with positivity. Which builds life and a healthy spirit.

Find a pack that have aligned believes, lifestyle and values 

In life we all have an influence to those we meet. Either positive or negative. 
Considering that we all come from different backgrounds, different educational backgrounds and differ in environments, we definitely have different experiences. Which makes our realities different.

 Though we all have the tenacity to  adjust and adapt to change. Depending on our innermost desires, we will become or adopt characters of those we associate with. 

This is the reason we are defined by the kind of people and friends we hang around with. 
For us to foster and retain good and healthy habits there is the need to be around those with the qualities we desire. Sometimes it's better to be alone as long as you are molding positive attributes. 

With all these I hope you learn to be different and have a positive impact to those around you. The world deserves a better version of us. Learn to love and be kind. Let the world benefit from you. 

See you on my next read☺️! 


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