How to Set Boundaries as a Christian

Boundaries are rules either unspoken or visible that protect us from manipulators and ourselves. It is quite obvious we believe other people are the reason behind some of the misery we encounter and sometimes fail to examine ourselves. point out our toxic traits and positive ones, to create a safe space for others to thrive.

We have heard diverse conversations around Christianity and religion; from morals and values to Christian behaviors. In all talks about Christianity, all that is emphasized are how to be a good person. What it means, is next to being a people pleaser.

In these modern days, the understanding of mores is challenged by those used to the old traditions as rebellion, when the truth is; it is called breaking barriers of manipulation.

Christianity is a religion, spirituality is the part where you understand and appreciate humanity by allowing your heart to be superintended by acts of love, kindness, and care.

Christianity is misunderstood since most people don’t understand this is a journey for those seeking renewal and a relationship with God. This pilgrimage is not a walk in the park, there are days you will face setbacks. That’s when judgments from the non-believers will camp in your business ready to shame you.

This is the stage where most Christian believers tend to feel the need to not show up or admit to being part of this pack.

This is why most believers are tempted to find a caliber where they can belong without exposing their deepest desire.

All these are influenced by the fact that most believers are not aware of the boundaries they possess. Here are some of the ways as a believer you can set boundaries.

Read and understand your bible

It’s easier to be manipulated if you do not have a clue about your rights. Knowledge is power, be aware of what is right and all that is wrong so that no one can corrupt or distort the information you have.

Learn to use and trust your intuition

Most of us refer to it as a gut feeling. It’s the intelligence of our bodies, it knows what’s right for us. In as much as pieces of advice are important, our bodies are more intelligent to understand what to do, how to do it and who to allow, what to tolerate.

Set the bar so high

People love the cheap affordable things that they can access at any time without feeling a pinch of a struggle. Be confident in what you believe in, you will definitely find your clique. The wrong ones will try to challenge you, and some will bad mouth you. though this should be a rule to benchmark those who are for you.

Be vocal

Let your voice be heard. Say what makes you feel comfortable when you are hurt and your stand. People will adjust to your terms. It will be difficult for them to push you around. Instead, you will be showered with respect.

Above all respect yourself, it will act as a blueprint for how you should love others. It will be formidable at first but you will be glad you made these tough decisions.



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