Integrity Overrule

Despite the passion, there is always another reason to do and make things right. Forget about consciousness. We are human beings and sometimes wrongdoing feels or even the thought of it, is a thrill.

Integrity is a common word to our ears but the actions towards achieving it is a path that is only driven by simple factors that seem quite difficult to embrace.

Ethics, accountability, principles, morals, fairness, and honesty are some of the simple familiar rules that determine who we are as humans and the basis of our integrity. 

We all live by certain rules aside from the ones we found and the ones we abide by in different setups. 

The other word for them is principles. Which differ from person to person, depending on your level of understanding and how you view life. Some individuals are uptight and have beliefs that they are faithful to. Therefore making fun of them or challenging them will only force them to drift from you.
Principles are a person's decision to engage or withdraw or choose to not partake in anything that doesn't serve their life, which is okay since a world deserves just one person who can always stand firm with what they believe in. 

We are all aware of the say how we behave and handle ourselves is a reflection of our backgrounds. Which includes family, school, and the company we hang around. The truth is all these play a vital role in building our morals and values. Despite people having a different way of thinking and doing things there is always something they all believe is right and will declare it, but end up making decisions based on what favors or feels right for them.

Honesty is not as easy as the word appears to be. Truth is justified differently by people depending on the situation. Lawyers are expertise in this area. Being in a position where you can come out with exact information is a rare and bold move. We all want people to be honest with us but fail to reciprocate double standards. 
Being honest saves your time, sanity future hurts, and unnecessary drama that creep in once the truth is out or trying to cover the truth from leaking. 

This takes me back to accountability. It's always easier to blame it on others when things don't go our way. When the truth is acknowledging our mistakes and those things that are not our fault allows us to find solutions to problems at ease and move forward. We all understand it as moving on. 
Accountability is the hardest pill to swallow since it means our ego is on the line. Bruising our ego is a bet we don't want to lose. And it's okay though to keep things going and save your sanity, it calls for being the bigger person. 

Ethics are a personal brand. It's always about doing things not only for your good but also keeping in mind those whom your decisions might affect. Ethics offers a safe space for people to thrive in. It does not include compromising your own beliefs, morals, and values. 

Lastly is fairness, we all talk about equity when truth is offered it is not a simple task. Most times we are clouded by biased views towards every situation that we forget fairness creates a balance. Favoritism is the source of hatred and disrespect. 

Life is meant to be lived as it comes though we are sometimes meant to sail it toward the direction that feels right not only to us but for the sake of those around us. 


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