Why women have to always compromise who they are and what makes them happy to fit the societal norms

There are norms we are used to as a society and have played a vital role when it comes to shaping our perception. 

Rules are things we all can't get rid of, they are a blueprint to drawing the line to how we can relate and accommodate each other. 

In life there are both spoken and unspoken rules that sometimes we are conscious of and we choose to ignore, some we plump for the reason that favor our circumstances and current reality, while others we abide by them because we have no otherwise than to follow. 

Most of these societal sways are here to restrict human freedom more so when it comes to women. 

We live in a male domination patriarchy where things somehow have to favor a man's interest and a woman is to embrace them or be termed as a feminist. 

Feminism is the most hyped movement in this 21st century, it's not in the positive way. The feminism is a praxis that feels uncomfortable to many since we all don't understand its intent. 

For the longest time a woman's freedom and rights have been suppressed. This is not to undermine the positive attributes that we've received in the society from the male patriarchy. 

It's time for our society to be educated on the importance and the need to embrace feminism. It's an impartial movement that benefits both genders. 

Despite the old traditions that only viewed a woman as a being with less privilege to access opportunities such as education, employment and leadership. This new mantra is here to enable young women who wish to access employment, leadership and education at afree will and have equal rights without being misunderstood. 

It's nothing to do with being an over ambitious woman or changing the traditional cultures of a relationship setup. It is the missing part where we as a society do not understand there is more to her than being the stereotypical wife material. 

Most women will not talk about it but truth is, we all have dreams and goals but the assumption that her best job is be a home maker has corrupted the believe that she is a human and her own person who has her own interests and goals. 

Since it has been a struggle to achieve these privileges without the societal judgement, women have opted to juggle. It's quite straining they would say. 

Most women have settled on getting married then follow their dreams so that they may not make suitors uncomfortable with their achievements. 

It's believed the more of an achiever you are the less attractive you become, and the more likely you are as a woman to be be fertile or a child bearer. 

Truth is most women wish to achieve their goals and dreams but the penalty for puting yourself and career first is costly. Our fore mothers would definitely warn you and advice you to opt for a partner for security even when you truly are not ready for the responsibilities that comes with marriage. 

Marriage is not what is sold to as from a young age; it's a bed of roses. They missed out the part where love is not the fuel rather just a mare factor. 

Marriage has been made to appear as something women should dream for and make it a goal when truth is, a man is the most benefiting partner in this union. 
Our fore fathers did not view marriage as a union of love, respect and partnership. It was ordained for selfish interest which the modern generation is trying so hard to break the biases. 

At least if not shaming the younger generation for doing things different learn from them, how to love, care and understand each other, for us to raise a healthy and a happy generation. 

For us to change the future and make it better our perception has to change and for it to happen we deserve to have individuals who advocate for what is right. 


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