How to Budget as a Christian Babe

Matters of finances are monumental when it comes to human beings more so with modernism. It has a great influence on our lifestyle and how to attain a harmonious life.

Being a lady there are things we feel the need of having and they play a vital role when it comes to boosting our image and personal growth. 

Personal growth involves financial management which is something most ladies fail at. Though this article is here to guide you achieve financial freedom through budgeting. 

Here are a few things to consider:

Understand or identify your priorities

Priorities differ from person to person, depending on your age, state of life, and obligations. As ladies, we tend to feel the need to desire or rather admire what the ladies around us have since we are so good at sharing and listening to what our friends say more than being keen on what we have and what is going on in our life. Probably you are a young mum but you have single friends who have fewer responsibilities and their priorities differ from yours. They will suggest a girl's tour but deep down you know your budget is tight but still end up taking a loan or ignoring your priorities to fit theirs. When the truth is you could have considered yourself, whether they understand or not you will be saving yourself from unnecessary stress. 

Live below your means 

It is said lifestyle sets people apart. Truth is we all have different lifestyles and responsibilities and what sets us apart is what we earn. Either from your business or a salary. One way to avoid unnecessary embarrassment and live a happy life is by understanding your expenses, goals, and your earnings. At the end of the day we all desire to have a good life this can only be achieved if we learn to live by what we have as we wait to have more. God blesses a grateful heart and a consistent individual eventually things will work out for your good. 

Avoid unplanned plans

We all have those friends that are very impulsive and sometimes push us into doing or engaging in activities that do not match our pocket. Well, it is a culture for many people to not talk about their salary which makes it difficult for your friends to understand where your limits are. 
Financial management includes understanding what you want and being more than okay to turn down plans that are going to force you to lead you into debt. 

Set boundaries 

Know when to say No and when to say YES. It is okay. This includes avoiding impulse buying sometimes. You do not have to buy things when you don't want to, sometimes you do have the money but do not feel the need of buying something or spend. It's okay no rush, you shouldn't feel bad about it and even if it upsets your friends let them be true friend respects your boundaries, and respects what you feel. 

Accept or acknowledge your earnings 

If there is a law that I have come to understand is to give money it's respect. Respect your little earnings it will help you manage your increased earnings. We all at some point earned some few cents, they taught us something. It is important to respect the financial journey of those around us that are beginning or are at their minimal earning and allow them to grow. This means we should avoid pressurizing them into things that are not in their means and if it is a must be the kind friend who got their friend's back support without expectations. 

Understand your current lifestyle and the lifestyle you desire 

This guides you in identifying your short-term and long-term goals. It's important to try each day and live in the moment it puts you each day into the life you desire, through molding your mindset. We live in a world where we achieve things through the vibration of what we think and our actions. If there is a lifestyle you want then your spending should be conscious as well as your savings. 

Hope these elements will guide you in achieving your financial goals. 

Have a blast🌺 till the next read! 


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