What to Consider Before Buying a Dress

Shopping is said to be a girl's mantra, the reason we are considered impulse buyers more so when it comes to things that make us look good.

Superficially dresses are meant for ladies and trousers seem to be a man's best fit. Surprisingly most ladies prefer pants: Baggy jeans, sweatpants, and booty shorts. 
The logic behind this, I am yet to find out but in this article, I will be sharing a few tips on what to consider before buying a dress. Probably the attraction towards trousers is because as a girl you are clueless about what to consider before getting a dress.

Let me make it clear a dress is not just a dress, like wise to a woman she is not just an ordinary being. We are referred to as flowers for a reason. Here are some key points to consider before buying a dress. 


Color is a basic factor since it determines your mood and attitude as a person. Not just you but also has a great influence on the people around you. 
A good number of ladies adore black as a color because of its significance; Power and confidence. Despite the exquisite significance that black embody, for a woman you appear invisible in it. Because of this same reason, people prefer royal blue suits for business meetings. 

Color has a momentous role on a woman and it's important to play around with colors by trying new ones each day. 

The major factor behind color is that there are body shapes and skin tones that don't match certain colors. A good example is orange. It's not a good color for a thin babe. Blue doesn't rhyme with a dark skin tone. 


There are materials good for different occasions and those that reveal our sexy side, those that bring out the elegant side of us. 
Denim, chiffon, and velvet have remained to be the most outstanding material because of how they make ladies feel and how diverse they are when it comes to occasions. 
Material can be used to express how we feel inside. Either feminine, baddie, or tomboy. You pick your struggle. 

Occupation /purpose 

When buying a dress the first factor to consider is on what occasions will the attire be used. We have dinner dresses, which are quite revealing and sexy. The main goal is always to impress the pursuer. The business occasion is elegant but not revealing since it's a space where you demand respect and want to be taken seriously for what you say and not for how you look. With the church definitely, modesty is key. Apart from just your representation, it's a way of drawing respect for both you and God. 

Shoes to match the dress with 

You don't just pick a dress with the assumption of just wearing it with a random shoe. Shoes play a magnificent role in completing a person's appearance.
When it comes to shoes we have a wide spectrum for women, ladies, and girls. Some shoes will make you appear as a married woman because they fit their status those for single sexy ladies ready to mingle and those for girls who still have some playtime. 

Body shape 
For years we have had designers and models being biased about body shapes. The fashion industry considered the slim babes and forgot about the plus size. 

With all the advocacy on women's size, it's key to identify your body shape and embrace it. It will be easier to tell the design that matches your body shape. 

Your comfort should come first. Whatever makes you comfortable will arouse your confidence and self-esteem.
Comfort begins with the length of the dress, you know what feels right to you. Just because everyone else is wearing it or has normalized does not mean you should consider it. 
Some ladies do not prefer very revealing clothes. It's okay you do not have to. Furthermore, no one is supposed to question your beliefs. 

With all these key tips, it will be easier for you as a lady to be approached and found attractive since men are visual beings and easy to please. By looking good you will strike their attention towards you and you will constantly be asked out for dates and not always indoor meet-ups. 


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