Goodbye to Stereotype

Growing up we have experienced some set of rules from, school, at home, church, and definitely peers, whom you somehow feel the pinch whenever you remember how bad of an influence some of their perceptions were. 

Now that you are grown rules are still there but presented in different sets of situations. some come as gender suppression, some out of insecurity reflected and seen by how people see you, and some just naturally biasing because of the notion, that the world is unfair. 

As you grow older you realize how much of an influence those around you have when it comes to what you desire, your reality, mindset, ambitions, and way of living. suddenly you leave college and your new chapter begins, Life now unveils itself as it is supposed to be. This is the age where your inner eyes begin to see more clearly because it's now your fight, with little supervision and control from your caregivers. 

You have been guided and shown the path to live, by your guardians, teachers, friends, and parents. But now you are more informed, and more exposed which means you have been open to life to see life from a different angle, which means a general view of people's perceptions without judgment. 

It's beautiful, to realize so many things that have been hidden from you due to protection. At the time, you did not understand the essence of certain rules, why people act the way they do, and why your parents had to make certain decisions. As I said you are now more smart and this is thanks to being patient in unfolding each cover of your life with more grace and love.

Despite all these, there are stereotypes that are set and somehow you followed blindly and you now realize why some things were undermined.

One of them being an ambitious and an overachiever, The truth is you will be seen as a nuisance more so if you are a woman. Naturally, a woman is supposed to be the pillar behind a man's success when the truth is marriage is a partnership path, where you support each other not necessarily financially, but emotionally, and psychologically, and the simple little details that your partner needs assistance on.

The expectations of a man are to have it figured out before marrying and before thirty. By figuring out I mean financially because that is the only way to measure a man's value. The truth is we all have different goals and by coming together, we are to blend and create space for each other to thrive to their greatest potential without competition. 

Growing up, being a girl you are tuned to think your life is to revolve around a man. which means. if you don't get married as a young flower, you are an undesirable woman with a rebellious nature and domineering. when the truth is there are several factors behind the delay.

Being a girl you are raised to operate on your biological clock, undermining the fact that some have ambitions and desire to grow and achieve more in life. like traveling, owning a business, and sitting in leadership spaces. While some just don't desire marriage. instead, we shame anyone who is not following the societal structure of a normal human.

Spirituality is a personal initiative, but a necessity. not just a woman's thing. Living a life outside of God has its share of experiences Most times we tend to assume the importance but deep down we know how much dependent we are on him. If at all you desire a spiritual life beware that it is not a walk-in-the-park journey, it is a path that is going to cost you. However you will realize why you did not know this quite early. 

Being in Christ does not mean you will have all the material success and streamlined life. There are people who do not believe in God but end up flourishing in everything. Being in Christ only means you desire a connection with a being greater than your ability, whoever is in charge of the breath we take in every morning.

Sometimes you have to roll in solitude. it is not always lonely sometimes you will need this walk.  Away from everything and everyone that is familiar with your past. If people can't embrace the changes and transitions of your life and move forward you will have to find your tribe that appreciates your journey.

Above everything, life is beautiful, be the better version of yourself, and do not be afraid of the changes, It's okay to think differently, reason inventions keep coming up each day. Stand up for yourself and your voice. 

Break the bias!


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