How to Nurture a Spiritual Life in this Modern Era

Matters of Christianity, spirituality, and religion are quite controversial topics in this era. With all the numerous stories covered in hypocrisy, who wants to be associated with a space that is only going to make him be ridiculed? 

We are in an era where religion has been tarnished, and all we see are rules that make it look like a fancy way of covering up a cult. The true and original agenda of the spread of the word of God, preaching kindness and compassion is no longer what is being advocated for. Instead, we are in an era where wrong is applauded and popularized.  No one wants to be associated with the brand of God or Jesus. The question is how did we get here and how can we change the situation?

Despite the changes in society, few individuals still believe in the beauty of oneness and love. Christianity is a lifestyle, I bet it's now a cliche but the truth is. Love and salvation are not a one-time thing. It is a continuous process, of doing the right thing, choosing to be different, even when you are misunderstood, constantly choosing to think right.

Christianity is quite challenging, and it is one of the reasons most people daunt about it. Though on this article I'll be sharing some compelling elements for someone with the desire to nurture a spiritual life in this day and era.

Be a learner
Each day there is something new to learn, therefore a good Christian is receptacle. There are things you will realize along the way that you will need to change or will be challenged with. Being a Christian does not mean you know it all or have everything figured out.

Be consistent
As I previously said, salvation is not a one-time thing, we grow each day into it. You consistently have to dive into your Bible, organize for Bible study, pray, meditate on the word of God, and filter what you consume either from the internet, social media, or friends. 
You will realize once you put a pause on this you will slowly begin to detach. Just like any other type of relationship if you do not do the work it will come to an end.

Learn the art of patience 
In life everything has a process, you have to be willing to walk through every chapter bearing in mind the goal is to grow. When starting a walk with God things will not be the same as they used to be, this includes friends, and what you associate yourself with. With time things will align as they are supposed to be. It doesn't mean it's going to be a smooth ride, but worth it.

Choose understanding over Judgement
When you choose to walk with God or build a relationship with him, your perception of people will automatically change. You will be driven by empathy and compassion. Your heart will find itself sympathizing with those around you instead of judging them for choosing certain paths or their wrong choices.  You will realize how lucky you are for having the gift of joy and will be selfless in having the desire to want everyone else to have a similar experience.

Allow people to grow
Instead of judging people for not doing what is right and shaming them allow them to figure things out. People know what's right just that circumstances push people to walk through certain paths. By allowing people to grow you create an environment of trust towards you. You will appear accommodating and people will feel safe to share their uncertainty. This will enable you to share your truth about God with them slowly slowly the Holy Spirit will work in them as they embark on a journey of identifying themselves spiritually.

Be the light you are called to be
As a Christian, you are called to be the salt of the world. Naturally, people don't follow what you say rather they get inspired by your actions. 
In all that you do, always have the best intentions at heart. Be kind, speak positivity, be gentle, be honest. Be your best version by allowing God to work in you and your heart. 


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