How to Wear your Jewelry

 Fashion is an art and when it is combined with a beautiful soul the entire being is filled with magnificence. 

Having a sense of fashion is not a skill everyone gets to have but the desire to look fabulous is a goal everyone has. The question is how do you achieve this spectacular look?. 

Some people take fashion way too seriously that they assume, for you to be seen as iconic you have to be always in designer clothes and be dressed by the most expensive and sophisticated fashion brands. The truth is all these do not matter. All you have to do is understand who you are as a person, what makes you feel comfortable, and how you style up everything. 

When it comes to fashion, it is not always about the clothes. it goes beyond the shoes, color combos, and expensive clothes. And jewelry is one of the ways to add some taste to your look. 

Jewelry says a lot about your personality, mood, and your artistic side. Just to add to it, it plays a vital role when it comes to completing one's entire look. We can tell your entire demeanor from just the small things like jewelry accessories.  

Based on the fact that jewelry selection is one of the most difficult parts of fashion for most individuals, more so the ones who don't understand what jewelry is for, and how important it is for a feminine woman. Well in this article I will be sharing tips on how to wear your jewelry. You will no longer stress about what to put on and how to wear your jewelry.

First, you have to understand jewelry is not everyone's favorite and there are feminine women who have total zero desire when it comes to wearing jewelry. Wearing jewelry does not mean you see yourself as less beautiful, it only means you understand the art of jewelry, you want to fulfill your thirst for art and design, and you have acknowledged your sense of fashion.

There are several factors to consider before wearing your jewelry. Which include:

Find out the location

Different jewelry matches different occasions. The purpose is to avoid distraction. when going to work your jewelry should maintain simplicity and elegance. you wouldn't want to put on something that will force your HR to be on your neck. likewise to religious events or church. there are certain pieces of jewelry that only cause distractions. They are only suitable for dates and other events organized by your company, friends, concerts, and awards.


This is one of the basic factors when it comes to jewelry. They play a vital role in determining when, where, who, and how to wear them. 

Different colors suit different skin tones, so it is important to understand what matches your color so that you do not end up walking outside your house looking scary.

Most importantly the jewelry color should match your outfit color combos. This is one factor that is mostly overlooked. lastly, when it comes to jewelry you wouldn't want to put on so many different colors you will end up looking like an amateur. It is the only reason jewelry designers, pair gold earrings with a gold necklace.

Your Outfit

On a daily basis, we take quite some time to find an attire that will suit how we feel or rather the presentation we want to leave. In regards to that you wouldn't want to look like someone who has zero idea on how to match outfits or a careless dresser, as long as you have clothes on. The only reason behind finding out your ideal outfit is to find something that matches your jewelry. 

The type of the day's errands

On a daily basis, we must have a list of activities we want to be engaged in. These include either going to stores or markets to get groceries, work, visitation, girls out, and events. There are some errands like going to the market that don't necessarily require you to go wearing pieces of jewelry but if there is a need to. it is important to wear things that will make it easier for you to run your errands efficiently.

Those are some of the few tips to consider before you wear your favorite jewelry. Thanks for reading till the end. Hope the article helped you. 

let's meet on the next post!



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