What Is Love
Love is a beautiful desire towards someone or people, which involves selfless acts, sacrifices, compromise, and humility. These are some of the attributes that make love difficult.
We have heard the phrase love is a beautiful thing. Something most individuals do not seem to understand how when all the people around us and those that we meet keep showing us and giving us more reasons to dispute the idea.
Truth is, love is beautiful. However what is emphasized is romantic love, when love is quite diverse. we have Agape love is the love that is mostly advocated by Christian believers. It is the unconditional love between individuals. This is a type of love that allows us to do good to those that we do not know without any reward or expectations.
Storge Love is a natural love, which is best explained as that of a parent and an offspring and that of siblings. This is unquestionable since you find yourself with these particular individuals who have played a part in your life stages.
Self-love is the affection you have towards yourself. This type of love determines how you treat others since it reflects who you are inside and how you feel about yourself.
Infatuation is the type of love we all get to experience when we crush on someone. it comes with high passion though without intimacy or commitment.
Philia is the love you have or get to share with your friends.
Empty love is the one experienced by those who have played a part in organized relationships or marriage. It means you are committed to someone without intimacy. It is the type of love where you learn to grow fond of each other.
Consummate Love, is the type of love we all desire and strive for. Where you hope it's mutual, and fueled by passion, intimacy, and commitment.
All these categories of love are what we experience each day, even thou we all desire a certain type. love is beautiful when it is experienced mutually, depending on the type of relationship you have.
In this article, I was to talk about the consummate love that most people desire.
One thing you must understand everyone desires this type of love. Fear is the only reason most people shun away from it. While some act defensive on how they do not want it.
Apart from getting all the positive remarks on love, we have the truths about love that are rarely talked about. I will be sampling them below:
Love is scary
Everyone talks about how beautiful love is and misses out on how scary it is. Everyone is scared when it comes to love since it is something you have no control over. you can't be in control of someone else's feelings. One day they might decide to leave or lose interest. The most scary part is when you are in sync, you share a lot, talk about the deepest secrets, and invest your time and resources in them, they have experienced your vulnerable sides, and they are aware of your strengths and weaknesses. whenever they choose to leave. It only feels like you have been robbed. the fact that you can't reclaim anything makes it even more painful and ends the reason most people feel closed up after someone they once loved left.
Love is Patient
Some of us are not fond of patience. We want things to work in our way and pace. Truth is love will humble you. You will be forced to learn more about your partner. Their likes, dislikes, favorites. Above above all you will be forced to learn how to be selfless. taking time to understand someone is not a natural one-time shot. It is a continuous act.
Love is Kind
love is transactional whoever disputes this doesn't understand the psychology of life. love requires two selfless individuals to spend on each other, whether it is time, finances, allowing someone into your space, and introducing them to your loved ones and lifestyle. it is something you have to be willing to give away without expectations.
Love is Consistent and Enduring
If you think being consistent is the easiest thing try working on yourself. consistency means being ready to learn, try new things, stay in love, and show up even when you do not feel like it. Entertaining and embracing each other's flaws is not an easy journey. Some things will put you off and you will be required to talk about them or compromise. This is the art of learning how to find a balance in what suits the relationship to make it healthy and not what you feel.
We only get to experience love at its maximum when we are willing to open up ourselves and allow others to love us their way and how we truly deserve. If you want to feel the transparency you have to be willing to open the door for someone to feel safe enough to open up. Though with the hope and faith that they will not break your trust. This will take time but you will be glad you chose this path.
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