How to Prepare for A Date as a Christian Babe in this Mordern word

Dating is an essential part for two individuals who have the desire to build a long-term relationship. The purpose is to get to know someone from a friendly level, and experience life with them outside your personal space to determine if you are both compatible with each other.

Dating involves sharing your interests and involving the other party in your world for them to experience your hobbies, lifestyle, desires, goals, and dreams and ascertain if they are the ones you want to get kids or start a family with. 

In this modern world where relationships and commitment are all about fun and games, there is a lot that we miss despite having ardent desires to be pursued and yearning for adherence. Dating was never an option for the older generation. it was courting for marriage.

Despite the changes we are experiencing in relationships and dating in this era, there are tips that you should consider before engaging or paying court to a person. Before any type of pursuit, a genuine man will initiate a date before embarking on his agenda of winning you over. As a Christian, you will understand that as a woman your main job is always to live your life and better your life to attract a man that fits your lifestyle, nature, and attributes.

In as much as men are the pursuers there are few essentials that as a woman you should prerequisite before you show up or agree to go on a date with a suitor. These include:

Have your own money

Anything can happen, having your own money is a form of security to any type of outcome. It is an act of maturity and responsible quality if you are carrying your money. In a situation where your date receives a bill that surpasses his budget or he asks you to split the bill, you will have a backup plan for you to avoid unnecessary embarrassment. This doesn't mean you should turn a blind eye to such acts. On dates, is when you analyze the willingness and readiness of a providing man.

Reduce your expectations  

In most cases as a lady, we are driven by expectations. we tend to have a picture or assumption about our suitors even before we have actual physical conversations about life, and getting to know their character instead, we conclude based on their willingness to take us on dates, their car, and their job. Which only blurs our logic of being more inquisitive and getting to know a guy beyond his lifestyle and physique.

Be intentional 

Understand that before you accept to go on a date with this man you are giving a green flag for him to pursue you. Therefore if at this point you are not interested or do not see anything in him worth trying things with it's best if you let them be aware of them and allow them to walk out before spending their resources and time on you. For a guy to decide to take you out on a date it means he sees you beyond a fling or a friend. 

Agree on the places you both wish to visit

Some guys will ask you about where you feel comfortable while some will make reservations for the both of you. all in all, be aware of the location or place before leaving your house. This means he respects the idea of involving you and leadership. Also, this allows you to research and plan for emergencies.

Share your locations with your loved ones

There is a difference between having a private life and having a secretive life. some information is necessary for your loved ones to have to keep track of your whereabouts. This is not to monitor your space but for security. just in case something goes wrong they were aware.

 It is important to avoid allowing your parents and siblings to be anxious about your whereabouts when you can respectfully apprise them.

Share information about your date prior

As a lady, your parents need to be aware of whom you are seeing or about to go on a date with. In most cases, caring parents will be curious about whom you are meeting what he does, his age, how you met him, his parents, where he lives, race, or tribe. They will appear nosy but it is the right way to ensure their daughter is safe. some will go the extra mile to ask for the guy's number just to save their sanity and anxiety.

Dress appropriately

How we present ourselves speaks volumes of how we view ourselves and want to be addressed. When meeting someone for the first time means you have to learn to show up as your best self, though do not forget your values and authenticity. Ensure that what you put on makes you comfortable, is presentable, and makes you feel good about yourself.

keep time

Time management is an essential factor that most times we fail to achieve. learn to adjust or respect each other's time. when someone plans to spare some hours for you understand that it's a sacrifice. there is room to grow therefore communicate about your weakness to it as you adjust and do not feel comfortable.

Hope you find the insights helpful and will guide you into pursuing a Godly relationship.


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