Lessons I have Learnt on Entrepreneurship

Choosing to go in the entrepreneurial direction is one of the paths that will change and shape you as a person. 

Some things will begin to be part of your identity while some will become part of your character all these will divulge day by day as you get deeper into the world of self-reliance. 

Being an entrepreneur sounds fancy and honorific to those assuming it is the beginning of freedom when the truth of the matter is that a better percentage of people will undermine your decision to go into the business world and decamp corporate.    

Starting a business and venturing into your passion is one of the greatest risks that is only taken by those who believe in the impossibility and are not ashamed to share it with the world.

Being passionate about a dream is one thing but being determined to transition and face changes is the only reason some quit while some build empires. Apart from the starting capital, the idea to execute, and a support system, other factors are important to consider that most entrepreneurs and business owners do not talk about, which I will be sharing as part of the lessons. 

As a young entrepreneur, there are quite several lessons I have been forced to learn. A few things I was aware of while others that I had to learn on my own.

They include:

Your friends are not your clients

I wish someone told me this earlier on. Despite having many friends that does not guarantee that they will support your business by buying from you or allocating you with clients, resources, and sharing your work. It has nothing to do with expectations but rather a genuine reliance on supportive friends. Your clients can become your friends as well as your advisors. They will share with you some of their exciting and worst phases in business and share with you a few tips on how to expand and grow, some will even refer you to better opportunities and clients and share your work.

Have a vision for your business 

A vision is like a blueprint of the direction of how you want your business to emerge. This will help to speak for you to your shareholders, team, and investors. It will speak volumes about the business purpose, and people you want to associate with.

Consistency is key

You have to be willing to show up even on days that you do not feel like it. This does not mean you should subject yourself to burnout. Failing to show up and strategize is one of the fastest ways to plan for a detrimental fall.

Learn the art of patience

Having the humility to understand that things will not go as planned, sometimes is one of the important art to learn as an entrepreneur. Also understanding that the growth of your business will be slow though sometimes steady is another reason for you to lower your expectations. 

Master resilience

If you are the type to give up easily and allow your emotions to take over then resilience is one of the key skills that a business will teach you. Also having the ability to be knocked down and rise again is another factor that will keep you grounded. There are days when you will not make sales, you will incur emergency losses, and will be forced to find other alternatives with immediate effect which means you have to learn the art of problem-solving even under pressure.

Put God first

One of the most important things to always consider in this life is always seeking God's favor and blessings, which can only be achieved by involving him in everything.

Learn to multitask

For a starter, you will be your salesperson, PR, social media manager, content director, photographer, editor, and manager. you have to learn a few soft skills that are going to keep you on a budget as you are working towards growth. There is a reason to why beginnings are advocated.

Anyway, If you are planning to business step into the entrepreneurial world beware of these important factors I have shared to help you thrive into growth for your business.  Hope this article was helpful.



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