Winding 2023 and Inaugurating 2024

2023 was quite a bliss. A combination of chaos, challenges, small wins and level up. In a few words that was the year that shook so many parts of me and challenged me to step up, despite the storms that I faced. I'm glad to have had the courage to still rise and vibrate in hope. 

I dared on things that I did not dare to do before which is betting on myself. Choosing to believe in everything I touch and learn from my mistakes as I go. And not just making mistakes but making them in public, who said it would be easy? Well, I still did it anyway. 

I can divulge that, it's true, I have had a beautiful journey. I loved every bit of it, from how I did things, to how I blundered and how I reacted and maneuvered. 

All these guises into the woman I am today and the future Miss Belinda. 

Firstly I dared to be myself. I never thought being honest with your aura and demeanor would be this satisfying. Trust me hiding behind the walls of how people perceive you and creating weak boundaries led me to uncomfortable spaces and people who were not my tribe.

This is a lesson I should pass on to my daughter someday. Be you! The rest of the world will adjust. This gives you the freedom to embrace happiness that's within, ignoring the cage of pleasing and being acceptable to the majority who barely know themselves and what they want. 
My 2023 was about me building a foundation of who I wanted to be and the things I wanted to build.  

In the face of all these, there are lessons learned that should not be overlooked, hope they will guide you as well through your 2024. 

I was a strong believer in I can do this, but this year I'm daring to trust God's will. I do not want to be in control or set plans that will only lead me to anxiety.  I want to live and walk in faith. Mathew 6:33. Seek first the kingdom of God and every desire of your heart shall be granted. Above everything I also believe faith without actions is dead. With all the mystery of this world, I'm still daring to trust someone greater than me with everything I desire and plans I have. Let him do as he please.

I'm daring to vibrate from an 'abundance mentality'. One thing I have realized is that there is always enough. The only thing stopping us is the limiting beliefs. I'm saying no to 'lack mentality'.

Making peace with how people are instead of trying to change them or expect them to act differently. I have learned people will live to disappoint you so choose what is in your control and work on that. At this point I can only control my emotions, how I choose to react, and my intuition but not the person next to me. I want to live in more joy and love and that can only be achieved by minding my own business and choosing my peace. 

It's been said and I have seen it working for many people, you are your greatest investment. What I have learned is that whatever version of you, you want and are consistent in working on will only be of benefit to you and those around you. Therefore I'm choosing to work on my personality and character. It will only guide me into attracting people and things that will serve my peace where I want to get, and whomever I want. 

Above everything I'm choosing joy and gratitude. The greatest decision I'm making this year is always being grateful for everything. They create room for more and help me keep account of the small steps I'm making. I want God to trust me with more knowing that I can be a blessing to those around me with every blessing he graces me with. 

Anyway, hope you learned something out of your previous year and planning on working on it. Our world looks better when we learn from our mistakes and achievements. 

Have a blissful year ahead!


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