Lessons to learn as a young believer in a christian world

In contemporary society, there is a great 
deal of disagreement around religion,
particularly Christianity, even though we 
know who God is and have the bible as a 
source of knowledge.

In order to have a relationship with God,
you must first desire to do so, then you must patiently allow him to work inside of you to develop new characteristics that are in line with your purpose for which you were created. It takes time, and a lot of your desires gradually lose their appeal and fade away.

It can be quite confusing when transitioning from being a child who relied on her parents for spiritual elevation and guidance, to a lost version of you that desires to belong to a caliber that is more fun and acceptable ,to an adult you that desires to nourish your soul with the word of God. Through all these transitions, there are lessons to be learnt for any young believer who is sometimes filled with doubt and questions.

Lessons to learn as a young believer in a christian world

• Being a Christian is a lifelong journey.
In order to have a relationship with God, you must first desire to do so, then you must patiently allow him to work inside of you to develop new characteristics that are in line with your purpose for which you were created. It takes time, and a lot of your desires gradually lose their appeal and fade away.

Being baptised is just the beginning of your spiritual journey, not the conclusion.

Before being baptised, you have a façade of being a flawless person with all the qualities of a deity, but in reality, you take time to change. You will experience changes that occasionally cause you to revert to your previous self. All you need to do is study the Bible, go on your knees in prayer, worship God, serve others, and be purposeful in your desires.

•Not everyone who identifies as Christian or attends church is a believer.

You will eventually come to doubt some traits you see in the people you associate with because they do not conform to what the Bible deems to be godly traits.

•Having a relationship with God is the first step towards being a believer.
Most of us mistakenly believe that being a believer entails adhering to strict biblical doctrine, regularly attending church, and engaging in various church-related activities. In reality, all it takes to be a believer is the constant desire to allow God to pursue your heart and share a personal moment with him.

• You become an easy target to life challenges, moreso the ones that entail your spiritual life.

People ask about why is it that christians face lots of challenges while unbelievers have it smooth when it comes to life. Which is partially true. Reason being, unbelievers are the salt and the light of the world therefore they have much to lose when an unbeliever has nothing to lose. Since as long as you live in this world, you are either serving the kingndom of God or that of satan.

• You will at some point fall back to your old unfulfilling habits
No one talks about it, but being  a believer requires patience and consistency as well as having a community or people that nurture you to grow spiritually. Failure to this your growth will slowly deteroriate. 

• It will not be easy
Being a believer is easier to say it and watch someone at a distance. Which is not the actual response from someone who has done the work. It takes your time, striping off your old character and habits.
Old habits never die hard.

• Being born in a christian home does not make you a believer

Many of us are born in christian homes, raised by christian parents who walked with us as we navigate our spiritual life but that does not give us the leverage to have a personal relationship with God. What it does is, it extends God's grace towards you as well as a blueprint to having a relationship with God.

Hope this read was helpful and you enjoyed it.



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