What it means to be unequally yoked

When it comes to dating, most believers don't take it lightly. Most of them understand it is a long-term endeavour that is not driven by emotions and physical desire.

Dating for most Christians can be quite difficult and one may be assumed to be very critical when all they do is seek and desire to cultivate a godly relationship. 

Godly relationships are those that have their roots in God, rather than being flawless partnerships

We all desire God-fearing individuals but the standards and the boundaries they come with are parts of them we are not willing to embrace.

Dating pool can be quite unbearable, though by understanding what the bible says and allowing God to define what a relationship is supposed to be like and the qualities of a partner that soots our soul, all of us might reconsider our choices.

Some of the most emphasised verses in the bible about dating are Deuteronomy 22:9, and 2nd Corinthians 6:14. They all talk about engaging with unequally yoked and the repercussions. 
Being Christian is not as hard as it appears, but the thought of accepting the standards it costs to be aligned with God is one of the reasons most people are slacking when it comes to knowing God and the other reason why people drift away from believers.
Here are some of my understandings of being unequally yoked.

Spiritual alignment
Before choosing a partner it is important to understand where they are spiritually. Understanding does not mean to judge, all it means is to talk about each others' relationship with God, beliefs and church you are raised in. This will give you clarity of who they are in terms of their relationship with God.

Lifestyle alignment
This means you have to understand what kind of life they desire and the life they are currently living. This is by understanding their family values, background, careers and their livelihood. This is not to discriminate but to understand if you are willing to embrace their lifestyle.

What are their ambitions, do they match the life you envision for yourself? Understanding this may give you an easy way to leverage. This means no one will stand in the way of the other for the level of growth you both desire. They can differ and still not be envious of them.

This is by understanding, how the person you intend to be with is raised, the schools they went to, where they lived and friends. Getting to know them from this angle makes it easier to understand why they are the way they are and why they act the way they do. You will have a blueprint of what to expect him or her to lead with in future.

Hope you enjoyed this article and found it helpful.


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