What it's like to have faith in God

Faith is a time-honoured word to our ears whether you are a believer or not, at some point we have been told about faith, or probably read it on our own. 

As a believer, your understanding of faith is defined by the bible stories of the likes of Abraham, a man with exceptional faith. You realise how substantial these bible stories had an impact on your life as an adult because you unlock your subconscious mind and realise each day is an averment of faith. 

Generally, we take life for granted. I am charged guilty for it. At some point we plan to rise early and show up for our daily duties, having the assumption it is obvious to rise and be present, without a prayer of gratitude for the beautiful sunshine. 

Faith is beautiful, we all experience it on a daily and this article elucidates what it's like to have faith in God. Here is how:

1. Having faith in God means you acknowledge his existence and superiority

Trust offered to something or someone means you have high regard towards it. And for one to make the bold move to trust your existence and future with God means you have faced a conviction of who God is and what he is capable of. This doesn't automatically happen, part of you has to be in tune with the spirit of God and understand who God is.

2. Faith is working towards an envisioned plan

The desire and drive to have plans for things that we are not sure of the results is an act of faith. No one assures you of what you are getting yourself into but you still push it through.

3. Faith is showing up

When you avail yourself you are putting yourself in a position of a belief of the uncertain. You know what you expect though with no assurity the expectations will be met. The beauty of it all is that you will never show up at something if a part of you is not convinced that something will come out of it. 

4. Being consistent

Consistency is an art of continuity, naturally a human being will show up when they know the value of something or the possibility of a certain outcome mostly because it is positive. 

5. Believing without a tangible sign

As a human, we all have something called intuition. The most beautiful part of us that acts as a cognizance of our life. Intuition understands what we desire, our attitude as well as what is right for us and when something is right, it allows us to pursue it with divine grace even without a sign of its occurrence. 

6. Faith means patience

When you are working towards understanding who God is and how he operates you will be forced to acknowledge he is the driver and your control of the direction and destination is all on him. This means no matter how long you deeply know he is working things his own way at his own time.

A matter of faith is divine and we all experience it differently. How we grow into the conviction of faith is through our relationship with God. 

Hope this read was helpful!


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