Identity Crisis

Identity is one of the most important pursuits in a human that sets us apart and makes us unique.

It is undeniable that having an identity is not just about having a name but rather more about getting to know yourself and allowing yourself to evolve. 

Generally, your identity is who you intentionally choose to become. Which is through your aspirations and achieving your goals.

In the pursuit of who you are, a part of you slowly gets caught up in the reality of life and you begin to doubt and question the vision you strongly believed in and were determined to conquer. This is what is called an identity crisis.

If you are lucky enough to understand who you are and identify the direction you want your life to be driven, then you will instantly notice when you are losing focus or yourself. Unlike those who have no idea which path they should follow they tend to be caught up in infatuation of the life they desire.

How to tell you are falling into pieces

You are losing in the things you enjoyed doing

At some point you enjoyed writing but all of a sudden you can't even construct a sentence. Someone might call it writer's block but it is not the case.

You are deviating from the vision you had.

You are no longer ambitious. You are slowly losing the zeal to want your dream to come into a reality.

You are slowly compromising your values

There are things you couldn't compromise but as time goes by you do not see anything wrong with certain habits that at some point participate in them. A better one is that you probably recently had alcoholism but you are the one who is now a chronic consumer.

How do you restart after an identity crisis

Re-draft your vision
Begin to recreate a new vision board for your life and jot down the structure and steps to achieve it.

Secondly, rise early
This allows you to have more hours to plan and start doing the work.

Third, have a quarterly goal.
Goals make it easy to break down what to be achieved at a certain period as well as it allows you to keep an account of your progress

Fourth, be confident in what you are good at.
Confidence will boost how you show up and how to do your work. This will build trust within yourself as well as with those who trust you with responsibilities.

Lastly, focus on your strengths as you work on your weaknesses.
As human beings, we tend to focus and complain a lot about our weaknesses and what we are not good at instead of empowering ourselves and speaking life to our souls.
Each day try to use positive affirmative words in our lives. Our brain will register all that you speak to it.

I hope you have enjoyed the read and found it helpful. Don't forget to share the road with someone you feel they need some life-changing.


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