What is Salvation

Salvation is one of the complex questions a believer is asked. 

Despite living in a modernised world where knowledge and references are all over. A lot of information can be distorted while others might be misinformation.

Salvation is a process. From the point where your soul begins to burn for God and his spirit in your life to the point where all you desire is to be consistent in showing up in accordance with his spirit. 

Salvation is personal. One of the most unspoken truth. Yes, it is true our parents teachers, peers and pastor influence our relationship with God but a better part of our faith in God is a solo job.

When it comes to salvation, no one rises deciding to have a relationship with God or be saved. It is God who begins to soften our hearts and makes it easier for us to desire him. 

As a Christian one of the most profound phrases on influencing others on matters of faith is when the bible says, you are the salt and the light of the world. Which makes the expectations people have towards Christians oblivious. 

There is little that a Christian can do in your salvation journey. What a Christian does best is to influence you based on the level they are at in their spirituality. The truth of the matter is that most people have different understandings of the word of God, while some are not led by the spirit of God.

Doing the work diligently allows you to slowly grow into understanding who God is and what he is capable of at a personal level. That it becomes difficult to be swayed. 

In as much as I would like to emphasise on God working first on your spirit. The Bible says you have to intentionally decide to choose to be pursued by him. 

It is as easy as pie, just like any other change. Transitioning into a version of you that you have never experienced can be quite costly but sometimes we choose to risk it all because we are sick of where we are at.

You have a reputation to break, a friend to lose, and a distinct way of doing things and talking. 

Salvation means seeing things beyond logic and facts. It's more about a small light influence in your gut

Someone once said for God to make you he has to break you. That is the price of living a life that God designed. 

As you are planning to manoeuvre in this journey of salvation. Beware that consistency is the key and a lot will change.


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