Lessons I am learning as a 24-year-old

Growing older seems like the best idea when you are a teenager until you get into your 20s when you face the real world with real people outside your home. 

This narrative may not be similar to everyone depending on how your childhood looked like, where you were raised and the family you come from. 

The reality hits you well once you join corporate or the workspace. That's when real challenges are confronted. You will think you know it all until you interact with people.

You meet people who exasperate you, people you will build lasting friendships with and systems that do not work for you and are forced to cope with, you will grapple with people and still learn how to endure and resolve conflicts urbane way, you will begin to unlearn and relearn everything you have learnt in school and adapt to the new things and style taught with the new workforce.

A lot will transpire, and you will feel like quitting, but your desire for growth and unfulfilled dreams will summon you to be a little patient.

The truth of the matter is nothing happens how you hoped for. You will begin to figure out life a fresh, from your career, personal life, social life, and business ventures. 
Slowly, life will give you a dose of why most adults do what they do, and you will learn to be more empathetic and kind.

As a 24-year-old, here are a few things I have learnt. From all life spectrum. 
Two years ago I made an intentional decision to be more open to life and experience everything I desire as I take note of the lessons I will be learning and here they are:

Learn to be authentic

We are all unique; we can't live or be like those around us, but we can try to shape parts of us that are unbearable to make it convenient for us to live with others. 
Learn to show up as who you are without the fear of what someone will think of you. Truth is either way people will talk and judge. Make an effort to show up as the best of you and do what's required of you.

Be open to new things

Growth comes with learning and unlearning. You have to learn to be teachable and versatile. This will allow people to involve you in things and places allowing you to learn and explore variety.

Speak your mind

Learn to be bold to speak your thoughts out. Suggest, critique, question and compliment. Also, be mindful as you practice all these. Practice emotional and social intelligence to reduce clashing with others.

Character counts

Your character will give you access to opportunities and spaces you never thought you would ever get into. Character is a long-lasting brand, and no one likes to be associated with a filthy brand. Work on your unique character, keep in mind the teachings you were raised with and embrace integrity in everything you do.

Stick to your boundaries

People come from different places, are raised differently and are exposed to different things. Therefore, our values are similar. Always operate on your principles and allow people to understand what you can and cannot do. Stand your ground even if you find yourself alone. You gain more respect and remain outstanding when you show up as a principled individual.

Mind your business

There is no joy in being in everyone's business if you do not intend to support someone. What you teach yourself is how to gossip and envy others.
Minding your business allows you to focus on yourself.

Create your own story.

Aside from the name built by your parents, try as much as you can to build your own name for your kids as well. A good name is better than riches. Your kids or friends can rely on your network at some point. Own your story as you work on your new story.

Follow your unique dream

Do not allow anyone to influence what you want for yourself. Accept compliments and sensible critiques but do not let anyone talk you out of a vision only you can see. Everyone has a dream, and not everyone has the audacity or the courage to go for it, be the 1%. 

Be ready for failure

In every stage of your life, you will experience failure. You have to be ready to be knocked down and rise again. 

Discipline is the trick

I can't emphasise this much enough: have a structure that pushes you forward consistently. 

Read books

Books have wisdom that is passed on from generation to generation. Do not be a religious reader rather the one that also puts the theory into action. Books fine tune your language, vocabulary and allow you to be creative. 

Enjoy the process

Rome was not made in a day. Everything you put your hands into will take time to flourish. At first things will be difficult but with a continuous practice you become better at what you do. Just enjoy the process truth is it is not easy and might never be easy but you must find joy in your creation.

Lastly, have fun

Have hobbies and outdoor activities that will connect you socially to people and allow you to be physically fit. A little play doesn't hurt.

Hope you found this read insightful✨️!

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