What it means to be a Christian

The idea of being a Christian has been quite debatable for ages in history. The objection of it being the most amplified voice.  
This has brought so many questions like; who Christ is, what's the Trinity, who is God and what is life after death. 
So many theories have been formed to justify and some to object the whole idea of having something greater than humanity is incharge of everything in the universe.

Naturally we all have an idea of who God is, though from different understanding and perspective which we all refer to it as religion.  

The foundation of Christianity is first built by the family you come from. Most people come from homes where there was an emphasis on faith and teachings of who God is. Either from a grand parent father or a mother but someone in your family must have nurtured the idea of God in you.  

Secondly socially, apart from your family those you interact with play a vital role in shaping your perception of who God is. And sometimes may slowly influence you to drift away.

The third is through education. At least in every institution, there must be a religious education. That was led by teachers.

With all the background teachings that we all acquire we end up choosing the direction of our spirituality depending on what favours our lifestyle. 
Mostly it's through the questions we ask to challenge what we already are aware of to justify why we choose a particular path. 

Which is why we end up having people who will still ask who is a christian and what it means to be a christian. 

Now here are few tips to guide you into understanding who a christian is. I hope this guides you into becoming or growing to be a christian.

1. A christian is one who has the characteristics of christ
The word christian was formed after a group was discovered to be emulating christ deeds. For you to become a christian means you have to believe in who God is and believe that Jesus came to the earth to die for our sins and guide us on how to live life in God.

2. A christian Is accountable
Being a christian means you know what is required of you and instead of blaming others for your choices you work on being better despite the believes of those around you. Stick to your believes.

3. Achristian is one who is willing to grow in christ
The idea of a christian that is popularised is that of being a perfect being. Which is the false idea. Being a christian means you first acknowledge who God is, your life in general and your weaknesses and make an intentional decision of following him and working on yourself.

4. Being a christian means you are willing to gather with other believers share and learn the word of God. 
This means you are obedient to submission to someone greater than you. Which makes it easier for him to work on your heart and for people to live with you. As well as understanding why certain lifestyle are not necessary for your growth in christ.

5. Being a christian means you have to be ready to be misunderstood. 
It only means you are willing to live a life that is intentionally chosen by 1% of the world's population. The decent lifestyle, a life influenced by God and centering God. Which does not make sense to most people, due to the ideology of what life should look like and the kind of lifestyle most believers have potrayed. A life of poverty and lack of self drive, which is the deceptive idea of christianity. 
6. Christianity means you should be on the watch for your financial freedom, business and tithing
It is important to understand we have a God that puts an emphasis on productivity, and rest. That is why he worked for six days and on the seventh day he rested and he assigned man the responsibility of taking care of the garden of eden. He also emphasises in the nee testament by saying faith without action is dead. God will give you the ability to work and the gift to utilise but not the money itself. 

Being a christian is beautiful only if you make an intentional decision of doing life in God and building a foundation of Christ in everything. It also means that your defination of a good life will be determined by the word of God and not by what people say. 

I hope this article will guide you and answer a few questions you had in mind about christianity. For more questions jot them down on the comment section.

Have a blissful life🌸


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