A Guide to Mastering the Art of Jewelry Selection

It's important to understand jewelry is not beauty but icing on a person. Beauty is relative, the reason they say beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.

Culturally Indians and Egyptians are the only ones who appreciate jewelry more. While the rest of us it's a personal interest while some are based on religious reasons.

The significance of jewelry differs from person to person and also culture. This means certain piercings, types of necklaces, and bracelets mean different in some cultures. Which makes it more interesting. 

Though on this article I'll be sharing what to Consider Before Buying jewelry. If you have been going to the jewelry store and just pick what feels good to you or probably been gifted, it's time to be enlightened on some of the things to consider. Which include:

Find what suits your entire demeanor 

When it comes to ladies, we are all different and have different interests. I talked about it, How to find your style 
You should realize just because something is a fashion trend does not mean it will look good on you or make you feel better. 
Some women prefer earrings some, just necklaces, some prefer wearing them all. 

The Design 

All types of jewelry come in different designs, depending on the creativity of the jewelers.  A good example is earrings. We have the loop, which is liked by specific types of women, we have the long earrings, the small ones which are preferred by a certain caliber. The designs are different and plenty you just have to find what makes you feel good and it's okay if with time your interest changes. 

Your style 

When it comes to women, we all have different ways of dressing and how we put ourselves together. Some love to go elegant, some luxurious, some simple.
The same approach goes all the way to jewelry, some go for earrings that bring out their elegance side while others go luxurious. 


As a woman Budgeting is key. For you to attain and maintain a certain lifestyle you need to be watchful of your spending. Jewelry is part of a lifestyle, it's not a necessity. Jewelries are quite costly therefore one should consider saving up or fixing them on a budget. 


Just like shoes and dresses cannot be worn randomly, the same applies to jewelry. Some can be worn for romantic dates, those high-end events, normal office days, and weddings. There is always a package for different occasions. 

Material of the Jewelry 

The material is what's used to make the jewelry, it can be silver, gold, diamond, copper, or pearl. The reason you should be keen on the material is the fact that they affect the price, occasion, and sensitivity of your skin. 

Skin Tone

Being aware of your skin tone is key. There are different jewelry colors that either match or fail to complement our skin tone.  Silver matches with almost every skin tone while gold is picky. This will make it easier for you to always decide or make orders faster depending on how you've acknowledged and embrace some aspects of yourself. 


It's a great factor despite always wanting to look young, there are earrings and necklaces for certain ages. There are those for kids, ladies, and for women. 
When you get to a certain age you automatically feel the need to avoid long earnings and prefer the small ones. Likewise, kids, do not qualify to put on long earrings.

All in all, above all these, the goal is to feel good and have fun playing around with our jewelry. 

Hope this article will guide you in introducing a new style. Adios!


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