What Growth Looks Like

We all talk about growth and desire it with every fiber of our being but what we do not realize is despite the beautiful experience and results there are escapades.

When someone talks about growth we all have the assumptions of positive attributes as a result when in reality growth is a sum of challenges met with effort, patience, resilience, discipline, courage, and faced fears.  Above all, most indispensable are the lessons learned all through.

Growth is only experienced where goals are set and a vision is structured. Followed by immense work, that requires a resilient mind and patient attitude that is fueled by discipline. 

At some point, you will be forced to self-doubt. Not your wish but intrusive thoughts, that are powered by fear of the "what-ifs. " it's scary, and no one who goes through growth talks about it. The reality is you choose the path for self-elevation because you desire better and it can only be achieved when you deprive your fears of the attention to rent your headspace. 

Sometimes the doubts are not from within but external. Normally individuals do not see growth as something attainable because they do not have to have faith in themselves. How can a faithless man believe in the existence of something he can't think of? We are told, we are all dreamers. If a dream is brought to you, no one else understands it better than you the dreamer. Therefore naysayers will live to be an outside noise that only wishes to see your beliefs going down the drain and gloat about it saying 'We knew this was another failed attempt'. 

The moment you begin to burgeon, it will feel uncomfortable. Your brain and body are at first resistant to change and it's okay it will feel like your desire to grow or shift in direction is not a good idea, yet it is fear of transitions that's holding you back. Make peace with the distress that comes with you desiring to elevate your perception and life in general. Go for it.

Everyone talks about how they trust themselves when in reality we all mask it up. We believe we can do it at a small percentage and make the attempt to try it, hoping we will make it through. 

We all tend to allow imposter syndrome to take over more so when we've failed in our previous attempts or when someone derided our beliefs, endeavors, and ideas. 

The imposter syndrome will keep you glued to where you are comfortable and afraid of chasing your desires because you think you are not good enough. Yet no one is born good at something it's the attempt at something and a consistent practice that puts us in positions where we are recognized as adept. 

You will have to make peace with being unlikeable, and annoying. Growth cones boundaries, self-discipline, and selfishness. No one likes it when you deny them permission to manipulate your thoughts life and time. Only those with the desire to see you grow mostly because they are above you will wish you well and respect your desire for growth. Otherwise, most people feel comfortable when you do not know where you heading and only rely on them for direction yet they still find it annoying and that's their silent pleasure. 

Growth means vibrating in a certain direction by faith. You do not know how you will achieve it and with what all you understand is that you will get where you want. It's said faith is the foundation of everything in existence. Choose what you want to see and believe in who you want to be. The current you and the younger you will thank you for your boldness. 

Have a blissful day!


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