
What it's like to have faith in God

Faith is a time-honoured word to our ears whether you are a believer or not, at some point we have been told about faith, or probably read it on our own.  As a believer, your understanding of faith is defined by the bible stories of the likes of Abraham, a man with exceptional faith. You realise how substantial these bible stories had an impact on your life as an adult because you unlock your subconscious mind and realise each day is an averment of faith.  Generally, we take life for granted. I am charged guilty for it. At some point we plan to rise early and show up for our daily duties, having the assumption it is obvious to rise and be present, without a prayer of gratitude for the beautiful sunshine.    Faith is beautiful, we all experience it on a daily and this article elucidates what it's like to have faith in God. Here is how: 1. Having faith in God means you acknowledge his existence and superiority Trust offered to something or someone means you have high rega

What it means to be unequally yoked

When it comes to dating, most believers don't take it lightly. Most of them understand it is a long-term endeavour that is not driven by emotions and physical desire. Dating for most Christians can be quite difficult and one may be assumed to be very critical when all they do is seek and desire to cultivate a godly relationship.  Godly relationships are those that have their roots in God, rather than being flawless partnerships We all desire God-fearing individuals but the standards and the boundaries they come with are parts of them we are not willing to embrace. Dating pool can be quite unbearable, though by understanding what the bible says and allowing God to define what a relationship is supposed to be like and the qualities of a partner that soots our soul, all of us might reconsider our choices. Some of the most emphasised verses in the bible about dating are Deuteronomy 22:9, and 2nd Corinthians 6:14. They all talk about engaging with unequally yoked and the rep

Lessons to learn as a young believer in a christian world

In contemporary society, there is a great  deal of disagreement around religion, particularly Christianity, even though we  know who God is and have the bible as a  source of knowledge. In order to have a relationship with God, you must first desire to do so, then you must patiently allow him to work inside of you to develop new characteristics that are in line with your purpose for which you were created. It takes time, and a lot of your desires gradually lose their appeal and fade away. It can be quite confusing when transitioning from being a child who relied on her parents for spiritual elevation and guidance, to a lost version of you that desires to belong to a caliber that is more fun and acceptable ,to an adult you that desires to nourish your soul with the word of God. Through all these transitions, there are lessons to be learnt for any young believer who is sometimes filled with doubt and questions. Lessons to learn as a young believer in a christian world •  Bein

Lessons I have Learnt on Entrepreneurship

Choosing to go in the entrepreneurial direction is one of the paths that will change and shape you as a person.  Some things will begin to be part of your identity while some will become part of your character all these will divulge day by day as you get deeper into the world of self-reliance.  Being an entrepreneur sounds fancy and honorific to those assuming it is the beginning of freedom when the truth of the matter is that a better percentage of people will undermine your decision to go into the business world and decamp corporate.     Starting a business and venturing into your passion is one of the greatest risks that is only taken by those who believe in the impossibility and are not ashamed to share it with the world. Being passionate about a dream is one thing but being determined to transition and face changes is the only reason some quit while some build empires. Apart from the starting capital, the idea to execute, and a support system, other factors are important to consid

How to Prepare for A Date as a Christian Babe in this Mordern word

Dating is an essential part for two individuals who have the desire to build a long-term relationship. The purpose is to get to know someone from a friendly level, and experience life with them outside your personal space to determine if you are both compatible with each other. Dating involves sharing your interests and involving the other party in your world for them to experience your hobbies, lifestyle, desires, goals, and dreams and ascertain if they are the ones you want to get kids or start a family with.  In this modern world where relationships and commitment are all about fun and games, there is a lot that we miss despite having ardent desires to be pursued and yearning for adherence. Dating was never an option for the older generation. it was courting for marriage. Despite the changes we are experiencing in relationships and dating in this era, there are tips that you should consider before engaging or paying court to a person. Before any type of pursuit, a genuine man will i

Winding 2023 and Inaugurating 2024

2023 was quite a bliss. A combination of chaos, challenges, small wins and level up. In a few words that was the year that shook so many parts of me and challenged me to step up, despite the storms that I faced. I'm glad to have had the courage to still rise and vibrate in hope.  I dared on things that I did not dare to do before which is betting on myself. Choosing to believe in everything I touch and learn from my mistakes as I go. And not just making mistakes but making them in public, who said it would be easy? Well, I still did it anyway.  I can divulge that, it's true, I have had a beautiful journey. I loved every bit of it, from how I did things, to how I blundered and how I reacted and maneuvered.  All these guises into the woman I am today and the future Miss Belinda.  Firstly I dared to be myself. I never thought being honest with your aura and demeanor would be this satisfying. Trust me hiding behind the walls of how people perceive you and creating weak

What Growth Looks Like

We all talk about growth and desire it with every fiber of our being but what we do not realize is despite the beautiful experience and results there are escapades. When someone talks about growth we all have the assumptions of positive attributes as a result when in reality growth is a sum of challenges met with effort, patience, resilience, discipline, courage, and faced fears.   Above all, most indispensable are the lessons learned all through. Growth is only experienced where goals are set and a vision is structured. Followed by immense work, that requires a resilient mind and patient attitude that is fueled by discipline.  At some point, you will be forced to self-doubt. Not your wish but intrusive thoughts, that are powered by fear of the "what-ifs. " it's scary, and no one who goes through growth talks about it. The reality is you choose the path for self-elevation because you desire better and it can only be achieved when you deprive your fears of th