
What it means to be a Christian

The idea of being a Christian has been quite debatable for ages in history. The objection of it being the most amplified voice.   This has brought so many questions like; who Christ is, what's the Trinity, who is God and what is life after death.  So many theories have been formed to justify and some to object the whole idea of having something greater than humanity is incharge of everything in the universe. Naturally we all have an idea of who God is, though from different understanding and perspective which we all refer to it as religion.   The foundation of Christianity is first built by the family you come from. Most people come from homes where there was an emphasis on faith and teachings of who God is. Either from a grand parent father or a mother but someone in your family must have nurtured the idea of God in you.   Secondly socially, apart from your family those you interact with play a vital role in shaping your perception of who God is. And sometimes may slowly influence

Lessons I am learning as a 24-year-old

Growing older seems like the best idea when you are a teenager until you get into your 20s when you face the real world with real people outside your home.  This narrative may not be similar to everyone depending on how your childhood looked like, where you were raised and the family you come from.  The reality hits you well once you join corporate or the workspace. That's when real challenges are confronted. You will think you know it all until you interact with people. You meet people who exasperate you, people you will build lasting friendships with and systems that do not work for you and are forced to cope with, you will grapple with people and still learn how to endure and resolve conflicts urbane way, you will begin to unlearn and relearn everything you have learnt in school and adapt to the new things and style taught with the new workforce. A lot will transpire, and you will feel like quitting, but your desire for growth and unfulfilled dreams will summon you to be a littl

What is Salvation

Salvation is one of the complex questions a believer is asked.  Despite living in a modernised world where knowledge and references are all over. A lot of information can be distorted while others might be misinformation. Salvation is a process. From the point where your soul begins to burn for God and his spirit in your life to the point where all you desire is to be consistent in showing up in accordance with his spirit.  Salvation is personal. One of the most unspoken truth. Yes, it is true our parents teachers, peers and pastor influence our relationship with God but a better part of our faith in God is a solo job. When it comes to salvation, no one rises deciding to have a relationship with God or be saved. It is God who begins to soften our hearts and makes it easier for us to desire him.  As a Christian one of the most profound phrases on influencing others on matters of faith is when the bible says, you are the salt and the light of the world. Which makes the expect

How to build a Healthy Relationship in this generation

Welcome to a generation that desires affection, and longs for love but would rather mask their emotions operate on ego and allow others to define a good relationship for them. When all that most of the people in this generation desire is simple date nights, movie nights late-nightlight walks, ice cream dates and tight hugs. There is a say that says, whomever you choose determines how far you will go in life, which makes this subject on relationships worthwhile having.  Each day we hold conversations on dating either with friends, family or colleagues and most times it's based on our experiences where we all make fun of them, talk about our partners, things that ick us in relationships and sometimes we take the conversations to the next serious level of how cultures view relationships and the standards set by our cultures. How to build healthy relationships is one of the rare conversations most people hold. This leaves us wondering what a healthy relationship looks or fe

Identity Crisis

Identity is one of the most important pursuits in a human that sets us apart and makes us unique. It is undeniable that having an identity is not just about having a name but rather more about getting to know yourself and allowing yourself to evolve.  Generally, your identity is who you intentionally choose to become. Which is through your aspirations and achieving your goals. In the pursuit of who you are, a part of you slowly gets caught up in the reality of life and you begin to doubt and question the vision you strongly believed in and were determined to conquer. This is what is called an identity crisis. If you are lucky enough to understand who you are and identify the direction you want your life to be driven, then you will instantly notice when you are losing focus or yourself. Unlike those who have no idea which path they should follow they tend to be caught up in infatuation of the life they desire. How to tell you are falling into pieces You are losing in the things you enjo